An existing Member (DINZ) who has gained up to five years experience as a practising designer and attained a high level of professional competency in their design sector may apply to DINZ for Professional accreditation. A Professional Peer Review is carried out by a selected panel to acknowledge this Professional Membership (PDINZ).
DINZ Interview
PDINZ - The Why

Tim Rundle PDINZ | Tim Rundle Studio
“Upon my return to Aotearoa, having spent a decade and a half working abroad, I felt a desire to engage with our local industry in the most meaningful way possible. I felt that connecting with DINZ through a professional membership accreditation was the first step in using my international experience and connections to contribute to building a globally active Industrial Design community in New Zealand.”

Ian Mason PDINZ | The Bradery,
Founder and Creative Director
“Being recognised as a professional member of DINZ is aspirational - gaining peer reviewed proof you've become an example of good work and to lead and teach others. I intend to use this as a reminder to work a bit harder to teach and inspire young designers to refine and commercialise their talents.”

Anthony Hos PDINZ | Milk, Creative Director
“I am grateful for the support I've received throughout my career, especially from those in the wider Toimanahau DINZ community. PDINZ provides a unique opportunity to give back to the design community in Aotearoa New Zealand and really focus on nurturing the next generation of designers and help to strengthen industry connections.”

Alex Fulton PDINZ | Alex Fulton Design
“Being a professional member in such a strong and progressive institute is an absolute honour and a highlight. I am grateful to DINZ for acknowledging my career in design as well as giving me an added platform to nurture the next generation of designers and share the knowledge and experience gained over my 20 years in this industry.”

Adeline Marteil PDINZ | PHQ, Design Lead
“Design is a conversation—a negotiation—between generations, institutions, and the general public, including slightly tipsy creatives over dinner. Joining PDINZ offers a unique chance to engage in this dialogue, encouraging contributions from the youngest voices in our industry. Together, we will challenge the present and future of design, which is incredibly exciting.”