Today, in the lead up to the Best Awards, we start the Partner Portaits in the Workplace Series.
DINZ Interview

Meet Fred from Soar Print
DINZ asks: "How do designers add value to your printing service?"
"Using metallic effects can really help products stand out for the designer and their cients. One studio worked with us using our color logic metallic effect software on the new range of bottle labels. The result, eye popping labels that draw customers to the product."
Fred Soar, Soar Print - Platinum Partners

Meet Tania and Rachel from BJ Ball Papers
DINZ asks: "How do designers add value to your products?"
"Recently Chris Flack, Strategy, chose a variety of our recycled stocks to ensure his book ‘Mate Act Now’ reflected the message of climate change he was protesting about. Using our paper and packaging substrates are effective in helping to tell a story.
By thinking about paper as the 5th colour, he was able to utilise the textures and colours available to ensure the stocks used enhanced the design.
It is when you pick up a printed piece and your touch sense sparks in conjunction with your sight that a designer has really created something special."
Rachel Foye, BJ Ball Papers - Platinum Partner

Meet Dave from Logick Print & Graphics
DINZ asks: "How do designers add value to your specialist printing techniques?"
"We thrive on designers who push our boundaries. Coming to us with a brief and an idea of what they want to achieve.
The Gold Pin, True Honey packaging, was exactly that kind of job. Marx Design sought advice on what was possible and we explored with them how we could make their idea happen. We learn too through this process and are able to extend our printing advice and skills to other studios."
Dave Gick, Logick Print & Graphics - Platinum Partner

Meet Tim Turnidge (VCD), Meg Rollandi (Spatial Design) and Yueyun Song (Industrial Design) from Massey College of Creative Arts
DINZ asks: "How do students add value to your campus?"
"Our students bring a unique and vibrant energy to campus. They collide a passion for making with the desire to make a positive and lasting impact on the world.
They challenge existing models to conceptualise a better future, and then, through their design research and practice, work to shape that future into existence.
In studios where craft and making skills are highly valued, students at the Wellington School of Design work fluidly and collaboratively across a range of mediums and creative processes to address these shifting social, political and ecological needs, and transform our collective futures."
Tim, Meg & Yueyun, College of Creative Arts - Gold Partner

Meet Danielle, Jonathan & Michelle from Autex
DINZ asks: "How do designers add value to your products?"
"A good designer transforms our materials into functional art. Good design is in the vision and continues in the result.
Without the artist, paint is just paint."
Jonathan Mountfort PDINZ, Autex - Gold Partner

Meet Alice, Juliette & Nick from homestyle
DINZ asks: "How do designers add value to your products?"
"More than ever readers demand the best in local design in their editorial and media choices. They want to be informed and inspired by all design disciplines, with a greater value put on the craft and expertise of Aoteoroa’s creatives in particular.
We’re proud to profile the work of the Best spatial-category designers, and put DINZ members in front of our audiences again in 2020."
Nick Burrowes, homestyle - Gold Partner

Meet Maria from Harrows
DINZ asked "How do designers add value to your products?"
"We love how designers can reimagine each piece to fit a specific project, and use the furniture to build the project narrative through textures, colours and finishes as they see fit."
Maria Charlesworth, Harrows - Gold Partner

Meet Anke Nienhuis, Andrew Withell PDINZ, Carl Douglas and Fiona Grieve from AUT
DINZ asks: "How do students add value to their design education in their final year?"
"Our students’ motivation and passion for learning design, and their desire to build community, adds significant value to the campus and the learning environments that we enable."
Andrew Withell PDINZ, Head of School - Gold Partner

Meet Andy, Mike & Richard from ECC Limited
DINZ asked "How do designers add value to your products?"
"When a new product is launched our suppliers style it in a certain way and present us with those images.
Our interior designers have the skill to think beyond these images and visualise how our products fit into their projects.
We are often impressed by the beauty of a product used in a new context, and tailored to the New Zealand aesthetic."
Mike Thorburn, ECC Limited - Gold Partner

Meet Robert, Liam and Julieta from Schneider Electric
DINZ asks: "How do designers add value to your products?"
"The design community have really gone a long way towards shifting the clients mindset that switches and sockets should be hidden. Designers have embraced smarts and switchgear as they offer a detail worth showcasing as there are so many styles and textures they can add into an interior design."
Julieta Gagna, Schneider Electric - Gold Partner

Meet Jane from Unison
DINZ asks: "How do designers add value to your products?"
"Viewing the end result, once our products are installed into projects, is always rewarding and often inspiring.
Seeing the combination of the designers material choices for the hard fit out, the finishes selected for our products and the combination of a selection of items in situ is always fascinating to observe how a range of products can look so different in each overall design application. This is really apparent in Commercial Bay where the fitouts vary so significantly and we provided solutions for all of them."
Jane Roulston, Unison - Silver Partner

Meet Matt and Graeme from Italian Stone
DINZ asks: "How do designers add value to your products?"
"By passionately promoting the use of natural stone in the living environment."
Graeme Thorne, Italian Stone - Gold Partner

Meet the Team from Milliken-Ontera
DINZ asked "How do designers add value to your products?"
"Designers have always played a pivotal role in the success of our company. We are continuously amazed at how designers are using our Millitron technology to create bespoke carpet tiles for each project."
Jodie Mickleson, Milliken-Ontera - Platinum Partner

Meet the Karmen and Sharon from the Resene
DINZ asked "How Designers add value to your products?"
"The creativity, curiousness and colourful ideas of designers and makers have always inspired Resene to seek out new finishes, new materials and extended colourways to bring a new dimension to projects.
We’d love to see what you’re creating using Resene paints, stains and colours – it might just be the start of a whole new set of possibilities."
Sharon Pearce, Resene - Principal Partner
Partner Portraits, Garth Badger, Thievery