In this episode of the Designers Institute of New Zealand Student Council d.Cast, product design students from AUT, Jordan, Claudia, Tim and Heath chat to Tim Webber, PDINZ - Director of Tim Webber Design
DINZ Interview
DINZ Student Council d.Cast - Tim Webber

Tim Webber, PDINZ
The DINZ Student Council members sit down with Tim and discuss the most critical points of his design pathway, beginning from the completion of his tertiary design education in 2009 to operating his own design house. He elaborates on the most confrontational moments as a young designer taking on the industry.
Clean, simple and quality. Three profound
factors that point towards New Zealand furniture designer Tim Webber's success in the furniture design industry.
From materials, to design choices & features to manufacturing.
His journey is inspired by the natural grasp he maintainsof the design process and willingness to deliver value.

Jordan Williams, Claudia Rist, Tim Webber PDINZ,
Tim Howe, Heath Johnson - AUT students