DINZ Student Council d.Cast - Blender

In this episode of the DINZ Student Council d.Cast, AUT students Claudia Rist, DINZ; Jordan Williams, DINZ; Heath Johnson, DINZ and Tim Howe, DINZ have a chat with Oliver McDermott at Blender.

Ben Thomsen & Oliver McDermott PDINZ

Charging the forefront of innovative and passionate New Zealand-made design is Rosedale based design company, Blender.

Blender occupies an inclusive design consultancy, strategy, and manufacturing platform in a cultivating and nurturing social work culture. That of which points to the efforts of their experienced design team and their founding core.

Product designer Oliver McDermott accounts for a large portion of that core, where his consultancy and design process work accounts for Blender’s heavy pursuit of design excellence.

An insightful chat with the DINZ Student Council members opened a vast safe of knowledge regarding Oliver’s past experiences and design inspirations, as well as dabbling into that kiwi “can-do” attitude.

A conversation that extracts and magnifies the most critical turning points in a young designer’s career.

Ben Thomsen, Blender co director; Tim Howe, DINZ; Ollie McDermott, PDINZ co director; Claudia Rist, DINZ and Jordan Williams, DINZ, in the Blender workshop.

DINZ Interviews

When the opportunity arises, DINZ interviews leading designers from here and overseas. These interviews seek to dig beneath the surface to address the common and uncommon challenges, problems and opportunities the design community faces.