In this episode of the DINZ Student Council d.Cast, AUT students Claudia Rist, DINZ; Jordan Williams, DINZ; Heath Johnson, DINZ and Tim Howe, DINZ have a chat with Oliver McDermott at Blender.
DINZ Interview
DINZ Student Council d.Cast - Blender

Ben Thomsen & Oliver McDermott PDINZ
Charging the forefront of innovative and passionate New Zealand-made design is Rosedale based design company, Blender.
Blender occupies an inclusive design consultancy, strategy, and manufacturing platform in a cultivating and nurturing social work culture. That of which points to the efforts of their experienced design team and their founding core.
Product designer Oliver McDermott accounts for a large portion of that core, where his consultancy and design process work accounts for Blender’s heavy pursuit of design excellence.
An insightful chat with the DINZ Student Council members opened a vast safe of knowledge regarding Oliver’s past experiences and design inspirations, as well as dabbling into that kiwi “can-do” attitude.
A conversation that extracts and magnifies the most critical turning points in a young designer’s career.

Ben Thomsen, Blender co director; Tim Howe, DINZ; Ollie McDermott, PDINZ co director; Claudia Rist, DINZ and Jordan Williams, DINZ, in the Blender workshop.