Design of the StartUp - Graphics - Video - DDMMYY

The Design of the Startup series was videoed and provides a unique first-hand account from New Zealand design companies and their experiences working with StartUps.

In the quest to define value, designers and StartUps often find themselves asking the same question: What problem are we solving?

This shared understanding makes sense – design thinking and doing are actually baked into the DNA of StartUps.

VIDEO with presentation follows:

Kelvin Soh PDINZ

Kelvin Soh PDINZ

From method acting to pop music, from high-art to Game of Thrones: Kelvin Soh (a self-confessed pseudo-therapist to start up owners) explains how he uses these and many other tools to explain his work both to himself and his clients and to try and elicit strong and positive emotions from their audiences. In this video, the designer walks us through a list of projects that include publishing, branding, strategy and consultancy for industries as varied as liquor, beauty and cryptocurrency.

Thank you to Warren & Mahoney for the venue 

DINZ Interviews

When the opportunity arises, DINZ interviews leading designers from here and overseas. These interviews seek to dig beneath the surface to address the common and uncommon challenges, problems and opportunities the design community faces.