Everyone in business has good and bad stories about getting into legal issues. Have you got any war stories you're willing to share?
And on that note, what’s the best legal advice you’ve received?
What kinds of business structures have you used? Limited Liability, Partnerships, Handshakes?
From our experience, the moment we got serious was when we had to sign a personal guarantee. What have been your moments when you’ve realised that this is something to take seriously?
Can you give us a bit of an overview of the key business documents. Heads of Agreements. Contracts. Shareholder Agreements. Constitutions. Am I missing any?
What’s the common issues you see with practitioners starting businesses from a legal perspective?
If there’s one piece of advice you could give someone starting up in partnership what would it be?
It’s a big subject but how do you protect your intellectual property? From clients, staff and competitors?