Best of the Best Designers Speak® 2024 - AKL3 - Video - Noa Blanket Co

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Whakaawa Te Kani & Josh Te Kani

Limitless Range 
Intentionally drawing on Māori design, made here in Aotearoa, Noa Blanket Co. gives a deeper meaning to the ceremony of gift giving, sharing treasured designs that become an heirloom, supporting the transmission of intergenerational knowledge through art & textile. They believe sharing their individual story reiterates their connectedness, as the essence of each celebrates their shared core values.

Flickr for photos of the evening. 

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DINZ Interviews

When the opportunity arises, DINZ interviews leading designers from here and overseas. These interviews seek to dig beneath the surface to address the common and uncommon challenges, problems and opportunities the design community faces.