Best of the Best Designers Speak® 2024 - AKL2 - Video - Burgess Treep & Knights Architects and Te Pou

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Graeme Burgess, Wade Southgate, Burgess  Treep & Knight Architects; Amber Curreen, Te Pou Theatre

Te Pou Theatre  
The vision of Te Pou is that tikanga Māori led performing arts will transform the arts sector and make a necessary difference to society in Aotearoa and indeed the world. This very special Whare gives Te Pou the platform to provide mana uplifting experiences and storytelling through kaupapa Māori-led, collective approaches to performing arts. With this kaupapa, Te Pou will be transformative.

Flickr for photos of the evening. 

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DINZ Interviews

When the opportunity arises, DINZ interviews leading designers from here and overseas. These interviews seek to dig beneath the surface to address the common and uncommon challenges, problems and opportunities the design community faces.