Glen Innes is a neighbourhood with a strong community and for 20 years they've been asking (begging, really) for a community centre that will take kids off the street and provide dedicated space for the local community to nurture their creative talents and celebrate cultures. And now they have it.
Purple Pin Case Study — Interactive
Sons & Co. + Alt Group
Te Oro

The website is the shop window - essentially a programme - a calendar of events and workshops designed to provide opportunities for young people of all ages to access the arts and provide spaces for learning, socialising, rehearsing and recording.
It's a compact website using a strong Pacific colour scheme and a custom display typeface, based on the traditional tukutuku weaving panel, that was developed as part of the identity. The site also tells the story of the name, Te Oro, and the building itself. It's a small project with a big role to play.
—Andrea Stevens