As the world’s environmental problems accumulate, the onus falls on product designers to find ways to conserve resources while maintaining the levels of performance that consumers have become accustomed. More than ever, the world needs effective, well-made, long-lasting products that conserve precious resources.
Purple Pin Case Study — Product
Methven Global Design & Innovation team
Tūroa Bathroom Collection

In New Zealand, it is the use of water that has become topical and concerning; it is a subject that encompasses consenting to its export through to not having enough of it when or where it’s needed or having an abundance of it flowing down streets and into the sea when it all arrives at once. As the adage goes, it never rains but it pours.
For its part, Methven is assuming responsibility for the quality of its output, balancing ways to use less water with ways to create “amazing water experiences” that will, one assume, encourage consumers to buy better.

Methven’s latest bathroom collection, Tūroa, puts its ambitions for the use of water in a sustainable way to the the fore.
Tūroa, which means long-standing, enduring and long lasting, is a shower and tapware collection that mixes considered technology with a pure aesthetic based on the thoughtful application of high-grade stainless steel – Methven’s inaugural step towards a circular economy.
Methven has also simplified manufacturing processes and invented technology that ensures an efficient use of water.
Turoa’s showerhead performance is enabled by VJET technology, which incorporates cleverly hidden channels that create spirals of water, precisely released through individual nozzles, and intuitive control that allow the user to seamlessly transition from a firm, invigorating spray to a gentle, enveloping warmth and everything in between. The combination of aesthetic, material and technological prowess set Tūroa apart from the rest for this year’s Best Awards Judges.