The Student Council is here to bridge the gap between design students and industry.
Through national representatives, free events and mentorship, we’re creating mutual conversations between young designers and industry professionals.
The core aim of the Student Council is to give students a voice within the industry. Our representatives have a direct line to the Designers Institute Board and key industry professionals. If you have something to say. Email us at .
Previous Members
Kayla Williams (Visual Communication) AUT
Sophia Su (Visual Communication) AUT
Macy Taylor (Visual Communication) AUT
Asher Sutherland (Visual Communication) AUT
Alyssa Goh (Visual Communication) AUT
Giulia Harper (Product) AUT
Avalon Martin (Product) AUT
Deanna Griffin (Product) AUT
Joseph Stone (Product) AUT
Hugo Tucker (Product) AUT
Toby Stroobant (Product) AUT
Hodaya Yarden (Spatial) AUT
Anna Simpson (Spatial) AUT
Zanel Herrewyn (Spatial) AUT
Katie Graham (Spatial) AUT
Calum De Fanti (Interactive) Media Design School
Brittany Gray (Interactive) Media Design School
Jessica Park (Visual Communication) Whitecliffe
Nim Fernando (Visual Communication) Massey
Poppie Thorpe (Visual Communication) Massey
Mia Gilmore (Visual Communication) Ara
Leonardo Cockburn (Visual Communication) Ara
Grace Costello (AUT-Graphics)
Bom Verkade (AUT-Graphics)
Jacob Davies (AUT-Graphics)
Vedant Kaduskar (UoA-Architecture)
Keanu Beziac (UoA-Archietcure)
Samantha Bell (Architecture)
Lucy Lambert (Massey-Visual Communication)
Gia Espelita (Visual Communication)
Sabrina Young (AUT-Spatial)
Harriet Liddell (AUT-Spatial)
Tahlia Yoo (AUT-Spatial)
Olivia Peterson (Media Design School-Interactive)
Luann Pretorius (Whitecliffe-Graphics)
Hanbi Seo (Whitecliffe-Graphics)
Kirsty Nicole Legget (Media Design School-Interactive)
Joan Merced (AUT-Industrial)
Morgan Taljaard (AUT-Industrial)
Kyani Utia (AUT-Communication)
Jordan Tane (AUT-Graphics)
Sisi Panikoula (AUT-Graphics)
Taylor Fleet (Ara-Graphics)
Ben Krijgsman (Ara-Graphics)
Bede Bennett (AUT-Communication)
Bella McMahon (AUT-Spatial)
Calais Soper (Interactive/UX)
Dio Ambudi (Media Design School-Interactive/UX)
Geneva Zhan (Whitecliffe-Graphics)
Hannah Mareroa (Whitecliffe-Graphics)
Hilton Fellows (Media Design School-Motion Design)
Jennifer Susanto (AUT-Industrial)
Jordan Tane (AUT-Communication)
Koua Sis (AUT-Communication)
Kyani Utia (AUT-Communication)
Logan Henry (UoA-Architecture)
Lucca Sharplin (Media Design School-Interactive/UX)
Lucy Lambert (Massey-Visual Communication)
Mimi Kearney (Visual Communication)
Morgan Taljaard (AUT-ID)
Nancy Gao (AUT-Graphics)
Rachel Coenradi (AUT-ID)
Sabrina Young (AUT-Spatial)
Sachi Kapadia (UoA-Spatial)
Abbey Barlow (AUT-Communication)
Amy Miller (Whitecliffe-Graphics)
Bede Bennett (AUT-Communication)
Bella Martin (AUT-Graphics)
Bella McMahon (AUT-Spatial)
Claudia Rist (AUT-Industrial)
Daniel Eaton (AUT-Spatial)
Farin Dickinson (AUT-Communication)
Hannah Faul (Media Design School-Graphics)
Harry Davis (AUT-Graphics)
Heath Johnson (AUT-Industrial)
Jenna Billman (AUT-Communication)
Jordan Tane (AUT-Communication)
Jordan Williams (AUT-Product)
Josh Collins (Massey-Industrial)
Kevin Chow (Whitecliffe-Graphics)
Lexi Xin (Media Design School-Graphics)
Logan Henry (UoA-Architecture)
Madalena Refiti (AUT-Spatial)
Mimi Kearney (Visual Communication)
Ryan Baek (Media Design School-Graphics)
Sachi Kapadia (UoA-Architecture)
Tim Howe (AUT-Industrial)
Alistair Kincaid (Media Design School-Motion)
Bella Martin (AUT-Graphics)
Charmaine Shuter (Yoobee-Graphics)
Clara Gan (Massey-Product)
Claudia Rist (AUT-Product)
Harry Davis (AUT-Graphics)
Heath Johnson (AUT-Product)
Joel Cooper (Massey-Product)
Jordan Williams (AUT-Product)
Kai Concepcion (AUT-Graphics)
Max Quinn-Tapara (Massey-Graphics)
Michael Wingham (Unitec-Interiors)
Nitya Handa (Yoobee-Graphics)
Rose Norgrove (Media Design School-Interactive)
Sabelle Bibal (AUT-Graphics)
Tim Howe (AUT-Product)
Angela Coote (AUT-Communication)
Chris Bentley (AUT-Spatial)
Ella Nicol (WINTEC-Design)
Ruby Greenhalgh (Ara-Graphics)
Sam Scrimgeour (Uni Waikato-Design)
Sophie Hills (Uni Waikato)
Xuanyang Sun (AUT-Spatial)
Yana Dombrowsky (AUT-Spatial)
Adam Jenkinson (AUT-Industrial)
Amy Hur (AUT-Graphics)
Angeline Tulilo-Siilata (AUT-Graphics)
Chris Bentley (AUT-Spatial)
Evandah Steadman (Unitec-Interactive)
Jake Clayton (AUT-Industrial)
Lauren Gibbs (AUT-Spatial)
Matthew Smith (AUT-Graphics)
Nathan Walker (AUT-Graphics)
Nick Lew (Ara-Graphics)
Richard Roach (AUT-Graphics)
Shona Macleod (Massey-Graphics)
Tamsyn Black (Ara-Graphics)
Will Cook (Massey-Industrial)
Xuanyang Sun (AUT-Spatial)
Abby Marriot (Ara-Graphics)
Abhi Topiwala (Unitec-Graphics)
Alfred Hoi (Massey-Graphics)
Calvin Lai (Massey-Graphics)
Chelsea Moore (Whitecliffe-Graphics)
Chelsea Pratt (AUT-Industrial)
Christine Park (AUT-Spatial)
Jeanette Trewin (Victoria-Spatial)
Jessica Tweed (AUT-Graphics)
Jewel Yan (AUT-Spatial)
Kay Tasma (Whitecliffe-Graphics)
Kenny Leung (Victoria-Spatial)
Matthew Smith (AUT-Graphics)
Nick Jones (Ara-Graphics)
Sydney Plested (Whitecliffe-Graphics)
Tanya Kerr (Massey-Industrial)
Alistair McCready (AUT-Graphics)
Bryson Naik (Whitecliffe-Graphics)
Caitlin MacEwan (Massey-Graphics)
Hannah Kelly (AUT-Graphics)
Haydn Jack (AUT-Industrial)
Jacob Lapworth (Massey-Graphics)
Jae Park (AUT-Graphics)
Jason Khoo (Massey-Industrial)
Jeanette Trewin (Victoria-Interior Architecture)
Katie O'Neill (Design & Arts-Graphics)
Kenny Leung (Victoria-Interior Architecture)
Liam Ooi (Ara-Graphics)
Paul Phanoulas (Whitecliffe-Graphics)
Rebekah Wilmer-Proven (Whitecliffe-Graphics)
Rob Lewis (AUT-Graphics)
Aaron Troy (Whitecliffe-Graphics)
Alice Timings (Ara-Graphics)
Alistair McCready (AUT-Graphics)
Angus Burrows (Unitec-Graphics)
Brittnee Covich (Whitecliffe-Graphics)
Hannah Kelly (AUT-Graphics)
Jason Richards (Whitecliffe-Graphics)
Milly Scott (AUT-Graphics)
Sarah Allen (Whitecliffe-Graphics)
Theo Faithfull (Ara-Graphics)
Valerie Poort (Massey-Graphics)
Luke Scott (AUT-Graphics)
Milly Scott (AUT-Graphics)