Event Archive — 2024

Best of the Best Designers Speak® Auckland1 - Graphics, Digital, Moving Image & Value of Design

The Best Design Awards are a major feature of the local design calendar and some of last year's winners are touring the country to offer first-hand insights into their projects.

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Purple Pin - Graphics

Blunt - Ben Reid, PDINZ & Anthony Hos, DINZ, Milk 
Blunt umbrellas are an award-winning iconic Aotearoa New Zealand product. Beautifully designed, they are a true kiwi innovation. To grow the brand into new international markets the Milk team, Ben & Anthony, worked with Blunt on new design principles of reduction, beauty, confidence, and joy.

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Purple Pin - Digital

The DJ and the War Crimes - Tarver Graham, DINZ, Gladeye
“The DJ and the War Crimes," is a digital storytelling site for Rolling Stone and The Starling Lab. It forensically retraces a war crime by a Serbian paramilitary group in Bosnia during the 90s.  The impact of this project was resounding. It received over 150,000 visits and thousands of tweets on launch in an era where trust and truth are more important than ever.

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Special Group

Purple Pin - Moving Image

Kathmandu - Summer Never Sleeps - Lisa Fedyszyn, Jolene D'Souza, Jonathan McMahon & Daniel Warwick, Scoundrel
Kathmandu has historically been associated with winter. Special needed to reposition them as a lifestyle brand for all seasons. Overall, the effect was a unique world, that would completely redefine how Kathmandu was perceived as a brand.

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Purple Pin - Value of Design

MONDAY - Monique Robins, ZURU Edge
Monday is a brand that has hit all the megatrends and sales targets around premiumization and affordable luxury - giving their target audience something to love and share with its super relevant and fresh feel.

Leaning on strong product design, Mondays packaging has been optimised for distinctiveness, colour blocking and smart thinking around impact. They have demonstrated to all of us what's possible from Aotearoa New Zealand. Challenging the biggest FMCG companies in the world, cutting through with bold branding and making it more affordable for young people to have more good design in their life.

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Aakifa Chida, AUT

Gold Pin - Student Graphics

Will You Notice? Will You Change? - Aakifa Chida
Islamophobia exists everywhere. In every community and every country. Cultural and religious minorities are often mistreated, wrongfully judged and discriminated against. 
This project uses communication design to impact, encourage and influence social awareness around Islamophobia through printed and digital resources. Design activism is employed to address negative behaviours and attitudes, to create change by catalysing a sense of empathy with victims and heightening responsibility and accountability within viewers.

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