Best of the Best Designers Speak® 2018 — Auckland 4

The Best Design Awards are a major feature of the local design calendar and some of last year's winners are touring the country to offer first-hand insights into their projects.
This event is brought to you by Dulux and Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki
Designworks - Anzac Tasker
Air New Zealand Te Tohu

The Tohu was created through a unique series of partnerships. One that brought together The Māori Language Commission, The New Zealand Māori Arts and Crafts Institute and Designworks. This Tohu is not solely a badge that identifies Te Reo speakers, but a symbol to acknowledge the importance of Te Reo Māori to us all.
Digital Arts Network - Sachi Taulelei & Dan Cornwall
ANZ - Banker Work Bench

Digital Arts Network have created a new platform for ANZ that is now simplified and coherent. Across 10,000 appointments booked monthly, the new platform has reduced appointment booking time from 8 mins to 2 mins on average, this allows ANZ to get back to focusing on delivering great customer service.
McCarthy - Stephen McCarthy PDINZ
Habit Sticks

McCarthy created Habit Sticks - a simple free device to help make your ‘habit stick’. The aim with the campaign was to provide tools and a simple way for Cantabrians to engage and think about their habits.
Law Creative Group - Brendon Law
Waikaremoana Tribal Office

A signage system comprising interpretive panels and wayfinding to guide visitors and locals alike throughout the physical experience of Te Urewera tracks and infrastructure, was designed in collaberation between Tūhoe Te Uru Taumatua/Te Urewera Board and Law Creative Group.
When: Wednesday 23rd May
Where: Drinks 6-6.30pm at Designworks (across road in Kitchener Street - look out for our DINZ green cones) Presentations at 6.30pm Auckland Art Gallery - Theatrette entrance under clocktower